Dentists have access to many different materials. Each of these materials has the potential to react with individual human bodies in different ways, some of which may pose a risk to your health and well-being. Here at Gorelik Holistic Dentistry, we are committed to ensuring that your treatment is safe and healthy and will work with your body to provide natural results that promote your overall health. Our dentist and team provide biocompatibility testing to determine the type of materials right for your needs.

What is biocompatibility testing?

The best way to avoid a reaction to the materials used in your dental treatment is through a biocompatibility test. This test determines which materials are most biologically appropriate and will work best with your body’s natural immunities and healing responses. We recommend that everyone receive a biocompatibility testing, especially if you have one of the following conditions:

  • Autoimmune conditions or a weakened immune system
  • Sensitive and stressed immune systems
  • Existing allergies or chemical sensitivities
  • Systemic inflammation
  • Poor blood circulation
  • A systemic health condition such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease or cancer
  • Mercury poisoning
  • Poor liver function

Why is biocompatibility testing important?

Research has shown that placing one or more reactive dental materials in the mouth increases the burden on the immune system and will contribute to or exacerbate inflammation, disease and deteriorating health. Biocompatibility testing reveals which materials are the least immune challenging, and by providing treatments using these materials, we can reduce stressors to your body and give you a treatment that will work to improve your health and well-being as well as your smile.

How does biocompatibility testing work?

A biocompatibility test is a blood test that goes through a laboratory screening process. This test works to identify existing sensitivity to different materials and chemical groups to determine which dental materials are safe to use based on your individual biochemistry. Dr. Julia Gorelik can then create a personalized, effective and safe treatment to meet your needs.

To learn more about biocompatibility testing in Charlotte, North Carolina, and schedule your appointment, contact our team at 704-553-1627.