Dr. Julia Gorelik is certified in SMART amalgam removal by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). The Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (S.M.A.R.T.) is designed to remove old amalgam fillings from your mouth, reducing your exposure to toxic chemicals so that you can enjoy better health as well as achieve a more aesthetic smile.

What is S.M.A.R.T. mercury-amalgam removal?

S.M.A.R.T. mercury removal is a dental procedure which removes mercury amalgam fillings from your mouth. Amalgam fillings contain a mixture of metals, including copper, tin, zinc and mercury. Over the years, amalgam fillings will release trace amounts of mercury into your body, where it is absorbed into your bloodstream. This mercury circulating through your body increases your risk of developing a serious health problem.

What does safe amalgam removal involve?

Before treatment begins, both you and our dentist will don safety gear. This protective gear includes safety goggles, a cap, a surgical gown to cover your body, equipment to isolate the tooth or teeth being treated, and hi-vac suction devices both in and outside of your mouth. As the first step of your treatment we will provide you with a charcoal slurry to coat your mouth. The amalgam fillings will then be removed from your mouth one piece at a time. A special technique known as the chunking method will be used to break up and remove the filling without drilling, as this could release particles into your mouth or the air. The suction devices will be used to remove the amalgam particles from your mouth. After your amalgam fillings have been removed our dentist will provide you with a biocompatible filling or other restoration to give you back a healthy mouth and smile.

Who can benefit from safe amalgam removal?

Anyone with an amalgam filling can benefit from S.M.A.R.T. amalgam removal. We recommend that anyone with the following conditions have their amalgam filling removed:

  • Anyone who plans to become pregnant
  • Nursing mothers
  • Individuals with pre-existing neurological conditions
  • Individual with impaired kidney functions
  • Anyone with heightened sensitivity or allergy to mercury or metals such as mercury, zinc, silver, tin or copper
  • Anyone with heart conditions, joint issues, fatigue, forgetfulness or loss of memory, depression or anxiety

To learn more about S.M.A.R.T. amalgam removal in Charlotte, North Carolina, and make your appointment with Dr. Gorelik, please call Gorelik Holistic Dentistry at 704-553-1627.